Monday, August 15, 2011


A dull expected holiday for all.. Yes, Independence day. But I thought of keeping my patriotic spirits high today. So I switched on the television to watch the parade, which was followed by old patriotic songs on Youtube (my sincere gratitude to technology).

It was when I rummaged through the newspaper that my eyes fell on a copy of a newspaper along with the day's issue. There is something about the past, how much ever sad, depressing or gory it may be... it surely does bring back a warm known feeling. The copy was a six page newspaper dated 15th August 1947!

There were lot of interesting articles, of joy .. of relief... of freedom. The Prime Minister spoke... the Viceroy spoke...the articles about celebration (which I imagined to be like the recent Cricket World Cup victory!)  and much more..

But what caught my attention more than anything was the advertisement of those days! Somehow it doesn't do justice to just read it and keep the paper away... hence I am jotting it down here.

"Are You Afraid To Kiss Him... because of your breath?"

He leans nearer, whispering romantic words. But how can you be sure your kiss will please? Are you sure your breath is sweet and fresh? Remember, 7 out of 10 percent have BAD BREATH and don't know it.

So be careful. Use Colgate Dental Cream. Its penetrating foam gets into crevices between your teeth and washes away germs and decaying food particles which cause bad breath, dingy teeth, soft gums and tooth decay. Colgate leaves the teeth thoroughly and beautifully clean - the gums healthy and the breath sweet.

May this day of rejoicing herald lasting peace, goodwill and prosperity to the people of India and Pakistan.


Friday, August 5, 2011

'Irony' of Goodness

Irony... the unexpected... your dream comes true just when you realize you are dreaming about the wrong thing!

I don't remember quite well, but I am guessing it was in my first year of Junior College, that I excitedly turned my English textbook to read the first chapter. Though I don't remember the name of the lesson, the thought has stayed along with me since then...

The author elaborates his thought of being good to other fellow beings. More of a Gandhian thought, the author says, how one should be good to people even if they are verbally accusing you. This he says, will help people calm down and in turn they will spread the goodness, leading to happiness all around us. The author finishes the thought by smiling and saying, "Thank you" to the auto driver. 

So that's were it all began. From saying 'Thank you' to the auto drivers.. to giving away my seat to an old couple... to helping someone pick up their fallen vegetables... (Oh! I am just earning the goodness points)

Anyways, it so happened that a couple of things caught my attention and made me realize how numb we have become to 'goodness' these days. In fact, even when people are genuinely good to us, we tend to take it for fakeness (Yes! its earning much popularity these days).

There I was holding my train ticket and walking in search of my compartment, when I turned to look at this old couple. The husband (wild guess) was using a walking stick and dragging himself, holding a small suitcase in one hand, while the wife (guess again) was holding bags in both her hands. They were walking very slowly, stopping now and then to check the compartment number.
Now, seeing them the goodness siren in my head started blinking rapidly, so I turned and asked the old lady, "Do you need some help? I am going in the same train... I can help."
 Of course, she was shocked, but was polite enough to nod a 'no'. I wasn't about to let go, so I persisted.. "It won't be a problem, I can help."
There... I had crossed the thin imaginary line of goodness!
She looked at me, like she suddenly realized my existence, and with a odd glance (which made me feel like a thief) she nodded a 'no' once again.
Irony! .. 

I have been on the other side of goodness circle too.
It was a cloudy and rather pleasant Mumbai day, and moreover I was exploring a part of the city, I had not been to. So when I came to know that I can walk up to my destination in about ten minutes, I wasn't disappointed. I thought, it would be a good walk, and I can check out if there is any bakery on the way. So, I trotted feeling nice about everything and enjoying the road, when I started getting this feeling that I was lost. I did what I always do when I am lost, look for a knowledgeable person and ask him the right way (it always works for me).

So when I saw an auto guy counting his money, I went up to him and asked the way. He stopped counting and told me the way, which I reconfirmed. Finally he told me that he would give me a lift! He put his money back in his pocket and said, "Sit, I am going the same way, I will drop you."
Shocked a little, I stood numb and told him, it was OK, that I can walk. He persisted saying he will give me a lift.
Unlike, the old lady I didn't want to break the goodness circle. So I did take the lift and smiled at the auto driver saying "Thank you".