Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tango with Supermarkets

I have always loved supermarkets!
Though I never understood the real reason behind it. But when one is staying alone in a more or less unknown place, a supermarket can be the best place to get to know the 'crowd'.
Like I know for sure, the ratio of coconut oil to mustard oil sold in supermarket's of Kerala and Assam will differ drastically.
And of course, there is the unexplainable joy of strolling through the junk food section and home accessories section! (Women! I tell you..)

I don't think my reasons stop just there..

There are these young people standing in the corner of each section; prim and proper, hair neatly combed, uniforms tucked, and a plastic 'friendly' smile constantly attached to their lips. Now, don't mistake me, for some of them are genuinely friendly.
I classify them into two categories. One being the "May I help you Ma'am?", whom I never prefer. Somehow they seem more like a pestering kid pulling your dress to buy some toy, than a true salesman. And in the end, out of desperation when you finally put forward a question to them, they blink and excuse themselves never to be found again!
And then there is this other category, who are in a way pestering too, but in a good sort of way.
Their answer to your question will mostly be, "Umm.. I don't know." But then they pop up an instant smile, and say, "Come behind me Ma'am."
Most of the times, you find the things before they do, but then they are their with you making you feel helped.

And there is one more reason why I like supermarkets so much. Because you never know whom you might stumble onto.
Sometimes a kid stuck weirdly between two trolleys, or an elderly couple trying to figure out their food menu for the week. And then there are some sweet annoying knowledge giving people, who tell you that when you use the same cover for muffins and detergent, the muffins might smell like detergent too!

I guess my 'real' reason would be... endless possibilities! 

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